
博客來e-coupon 市民畫廊 雲崩石亂 書、印──相:李明-創作展 哪裡買

市民畫廊 雲崩石亂 書、印──相:李明-創作展

市民畫廊 雲崩石亂 書、印──相:李明-創作展 推薦


前一陣子去書展看到很多書都很想買~~~~~ 但那天居然忘記帶錢包出門 > 整個非常的失落!!!!因為就是要去書展買書呀.... 我真的很喜歡看書~日常沒事最大的休閒就是看書 從文學類到旅遊類等等什麼都看 所以買書是我的一大樂趣之一~~~~ 最近朋友們都在推薦一本很好看的書!!!! 就是 市民畫廊 雲崩石亂 書、印──相:李明-創作展 是年度排行榜書籍耶!!! 我力馬上博客來購買~~~~~~ 博客來時常有打折優惠 買書真得比較優惠唷~~~~ 推薦給跟我一樣喜歡閱讀的朋友壓 :) 博客來傳送門順便一起給你囉~~~~~~

市民畫廊 雲崩石亂 書、印──相:李明-創作展

市民畫廊 雲崩石亂 書、印──相:李明-創作展 內容:   不受限於傳統書法、篆刻法度與流派約束,用輕鬆從容的態度重新看待,以盡情書寫放任刻印的創作思維,來面對這層層包裹的傳統「書」、「印」,並透過蘇東坡念奴嬌名句「亂石崩雲」為主軸,帶入現代藝術概念,參入裝置拼湊、數位輸出,轉化平面為立體,藉由光影投射、展場作品佈置的錯落組合,延伸變化視覺效果。 本展中,李明?以一個從事水墨創作者的角度來闡述演繹書法與篆刻在傳統與現代之間如何開拓發展,而兩者在水墨的激盪結合之下又能有何種可能的:書、印別相。

  Free from the constraints and rules from any school of traditional calligraphy and seal engraving, Lee engages himself in the artistic creation of these two traditional Chinese arts with great ease and comfort. In this exhibition titled, “Crashing Rocks and Clouds”, which is a famous quotation from the Ode of Red Cliff by Su Dong-po, the concept of modern art is incorporated while the mechanisms of installation art and digital output are also applied to enable 3D presentation of Lee’s works as well as diversified visual effects through the light projection and exhibit arrangement. In this exhibition, viewers can see how Lee, as an ink painting artist, explores the possibilities of calligraphy and seal engraving, both traditional and modern, and how the inclusion of ink painting into calligraphy and seal engraving can give birth to a diversified variety of facets for these two traditional Chinese art forms.

市民畫廊 雲崩石亂 書、印──相:李明-創作展


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